A “Brief” Recap of the MCU Timeline (Part Three)

Reblogged from ProbablyWork.com

Check out Part One and Part Two here!

Previously on The Infinity Saga: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes assembled to fight off an alien invasion, SHIELD was infiltrated by Hydra, Loki faked his death before taking Odin’s place on Asgard, the Guardians of the Galaxy took down Star Lord’s real father (Ego the Living Planet), Tony Stark accidentally created Ultron, and it was revealed that a cosmic despot called Thanos is seeking the six Infinity Stones! So far we’ve encountered 4 of them: the Tesseract – a mysterious cosmic cube of infinite energy, the Aether – a dark matter substance that can alter reality, the Power Stone – an incredibly powerful weapon that can wipe out planets, and the Mind Stone – which gave Wanda Maximoff her powers, and brought The Vision to life…

This time, we’ll be covering most of “Phase 3”, which mostly centers around the events and fallout from “Captain America: Civil War”, and leading up to “Avengers: Infinity War”!

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Reblogged from Geek to Geek Media!

Check out my previous review of Vol 5: “Scott Pilgrim vs The Universe” here!

About a year ago, I first started my six-part nostalgia-laden review of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim graphic novels (read Part One here!) and had an absolute blast revisiting each of these amazing books with the gorgeous Color Editions from Oni Press. At the time, I had no idea that a year later Netflix would be announcing an upcoming anime series based on the original comics, which is really fitting, especially considering the heavy Japanese manga influence throughout each of the volumes!

I really enjoyed revisiting this series and it held up surprisingly well for me. I have to admit, I was hesitant to read Volume 6, because I didn’t want it to be over. I’m glad I finally did though, because “Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour” might really be the best one in the series!

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