WTF Moments 38


‘The cat’s meow’? ‘Kryptonite catnip’???


What in the actual fuck is happening??

And to the limey going “Ow’d ‘e shake off the effect of the gas? It’s supposed to work for hours! Pip pip cheerio!” , I’d say whatever the hell kind of gas  you gave ol’ Supes is working pretty damn well. Maybe not he way you intended, but it has him wearing a shitty cat outfit, somehow ‘Spider-Man’ing a pole, and playing what looks like the ukulele for a live audience while making (and I’m putting this kindly) a humungous asshole out of himself. Lex Luthor would be proud, but he topped you by stealing 40 cakes.

Super Hero Beach: Tales from the Spider-verse!

Erik: Over the past year, I’ve been putting together articles for A few months back, I invited Comic Zombie and several others to share their favorite Spider-man comics to promote the Spider-verse comics event. This was the result…

Spider-man comics

Ever since his debut in Amazing Fantasy #15, Spider-man has had some of the most iconic story arcs in comics history. Since 1962, Spidey has been swinging across the New York skyline from page to screen in numerous incarnations, from web headed teenager to star crossed lover to fighting alongside the Avengers.

Amazing Fantasy 15Now that Marvel’s “Spider-verse” event is upon us, I thought I’d ask a few people around town to share some of their favorite Web-slinging adventures from our favorite wall-crawler: Jonathan Sanders (manager of Super Hero Hive), Badr Milligan (of The Short Box Pod Cast), Adam Wollet (local comic creator), Brett Ricketts (creator, Comic Zombie(blogger @, and of course myself, Erik Slader (writer of the blog Epik Fails of History and content creator for this here site).

For those of you living in the Negative Zone these past few months, Spider-verse is a current story line where every single Spider-man ever from all corners of the multi-verse must unite against a common threat.

Sinister Six

Click here for the rest!