A “Brief” Recap of the MCU Timeline (Part Five – Phase 4 Vol. 1: The Multiverse Saga Begins)

Click here for Part 1Part 2Part 3, and Part 4 of our MCU Breakdown!

Before we delve into Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (in chronological order), if you haven’t already, this is a great time to refresh yourself on ALL the Spider-man movies, as well as the previous entries in the X-Men franchise, before we kick off “The Multiverse Saga”! (As always with these breakdowns, spoilers ahead!)

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Issue #41: Revisiting the MCU: Phase Three (Part 2 of 2) – Podcast

Revisiting the MCU: Phase Three (Part 2 of 2) – Podcast

“Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it’s here. Or should I say… I am.” – Thanos

Chris, Erik, and Zack (⁠⁠⁠Podcasters Assemble⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Effin Cultured⁠⁠⁠, and ⁠⁠⁠The Neat Cast⁠⁠⁠) assemble once again to *finally* finish off The Infinity Saga!

MCU Phase 3 Movies (part two):

  • Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
  • Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
  • Captain Marvel (2019)
  • Avengers: Endgame (2019)
  • Spider-man: Far From Home (2019)

Be sure to listen to our previous MCU episodes as well:

(Episode edited by Chris Carroll)

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Top 10 Avengers Teams

In the past 60-ish years there have been a lot, and I mean a LOT of people assembling as Avengers. The roster has been in a constant state of evolution and change since the fourth issue, when they re-introduced Captain America to the Marvel universe, and issue 16, when they replaced everyone but Cap with a former Iron Man villain (Hawkeye) and two of Magneto’s lackeys from the Brotherhood over in X-Men (Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch)!

Because there have been oh-so-many rosters over the decades, it’s fun to debate which are the best ones. Of course, as always it comes down to personal preference; for instance, I’ve got the West Coast Avengers on this list, but I’m sure many would disqualify them just based on the name. To each their own. That said, what follows are my picks for the 10 best Avengers rosters ever assembled.

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5 Coolest Moments From… Infinity Gauntlet

Man, the Infinity Gauntlet was awesome. The story of the mad Titan, Thanos, combining the power of the six infinity stones and obtaining complete power over the universe and the desperate, doomed attempts of the Marvel heroes and cosmic beings to do anything and everything they can to stop him, the only reason I haven’t done one of these for it yet is that, really, it’s quite difficult to narrow the awesome down to 5 moments, so really a ton of great stuff will be lumped together so this isn’t a 25 Coolest Things From…

Without further ado, 5 of the coolest moments from the pure 90’s goodness that is one of the best Marvel comics ever published, the Infinity Gauntlet.

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A “Brief” Recap of the MCU Timeline (Part Four: INFINITY WAR / ENDGAME)

Reblogged from ProbablyWork.com

Click here for Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of our MCU Breakdown!

Everything’s led to this – the Russo Brothers’ epic finale to the Infinity Saga: “Avengers: Infinity War” and “Avengers: Endgame”! This two-part storyline builds on ALL the MCU movies that came before, from Phases 1 through 3, and works best if you’ve seen all the Marvel movies leading up to it, from “Captain America: The First Avenger” and “Iron Man” to “Guardians of the Galaxy – Vol 2” and “Thor: Ragnarok”. And it all cleverly sets up where the MCU currently is in Phase 4, with all the new MCU movies and shows! (now streaming on Disney Plus)

If you somehow haven’t watched these two, be warned that there are some serious *spoilers* ahead!

The most ambitious crossover ever? Absolutely.
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A “Brief” Recap of the MCU Timeline (Part Three: CIVIL WAR)

Reblogged from ProbablyWork.com

Check out Part One and Part Two here!

Previously on The Infinity Saga: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes assembled to fight off an alien invasion, SHIELD was infiltrated by Hydra, Loki faked his death before taking Odin’s place on Asgard, the Guardians of the Galaxy took down Star Lord’s real father (Ego the Living Planet), Tony Stark accidentally created Ultron, and it was revealed that a cosmic despot called Thanos is seeking the six Infinity Stones! So far we’ve encountered 4 of them: the Tesseract – a mysterious cosmic cube of infinite energy, the Aether – a dark matter substance that can alter reality, the Power Stone – an incredibly powerful weapon that can wipe out planets, and the Mind Stone – which gave Wanda Maximoff her powers, and brought The Vision to life…

This time, we’ll be covering most of “Phase 3”, which mostly centers around the events and fallout from “Captain America: Civil War”, and leading up to “Avengers: Infinity War”!

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Comic Zombie Podcast #6: Nerdy Secret Origins

Issue 6: Nerdy Secret Origins (New to Comics? Start Here!)

Chris and Erik return from the dead to bring you their own personal secret origins into comic fandom *and* how they first met! They also discuss what they’ve been reading recently, including Tom King’s “Mister Miracle”, Donny Cates, Garth Ennis, and “Spider-man: Life Story” by Chip Zdarsky, as well as some recommended starting points for those new to the world of comic books and highlight a couple of their all time favorite Batman graphic novels. 

Segments on this episode:

  • New Comics
  • WTF Moments
  • Essential Reads: Batman

(Episode edited by Erik Slader)

For more random shenanigans, check out our blog at ComicZombie.net! *Also listen to us on Podcasters Assemble!

Network Info

This podcast is a production of the We Can Make This Work (Probably) Network. Follow us below to keep up with this show and discover our many other podcasts! The place for those with questionable taste!

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Top 10 Marvel Events

Over the last few years in particular but really going back all the way to Secret Wars, Marvel has made a habit of telling huge, earth-shattering crossovers. Some are great, and some are… not so great (looking at you Secret Wars II!). However, when they’re good, they’re GOOD. Here is a list of my 10 favorite Marvel events.


10. Fear Itself

fear itselfProbably one of the less popular on the list, but you have to admit that Fear Itself really swings for the fences.

The story centers on the return of The Serpent, the Asgardian God of Fear and Odin’s older brother (and by Asgardian law the true All-Father). This dude feeds off of fear, so the more afraid people are in general the stronger he gets. Not such a great combination when you see how he goes about spreading fear.

He is resurrected by the Red Skull (not Schmidt, but his daughter, Sin, the ‘new’ Red Skull), who finds an ancient Asgardian hammer that was created by the Serpent ages ago. When she grabs the hammer she is transformed into an avatar of the Serprent, and gets crazy, Thor level strong. Her awakening frees the Serpent, and a bunch more hammers drop to Earth, and are eventually grabbed by Atuma, the Absorbing Man, Titania, the Grey Gargoyle, the Thing, the Juggernaut, and the fucking Hulk! Each one of them loses their personalities in the hammers and basically do whatever they can to spread fear around the world, mostly by destroying every damn thing in sight.

The Avengers respond, and spread themselves perilously thin to combat the menaces. The Red Hulk is trounced by the Thing; Hawkeye, Spider-Woman, the Protector, and Ms. Marvel BARELY survive the Hulk, and just manage to save some people from him before he jumps away; the Grey Gargoyle turns every person in Paris into a statue and beats the holy living shit out of Iron Man; Titania and the Absorbing Man throw down with War Machine, Iron First, and the Immortal Weapons; Dr. Strange and Namor confront Atuma; and the X-Men are only able to ‘defeat’ the Juggernaut when Colossus agrees to become the new Juggernaut when he meets the demon Cytorrak (who grants the Juggernaut his powers pre-hammer)! Finally the Red Skull leads and army of her Hydra bastards to Washington, DC where they lay siege to the city, and she claims her greatest victory when she stabs Captain America (at the time Bucky Barnes) through the chest!

fear itself 4

Poor Bucky just can’t stop ‘dying’.

The destruction they cause spreads panic and fear everywhere, especially when Avengers Tower falls. This makes the Serpent strong and young again, and he basically takes over the Earth.

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